By Mark Russinovich

If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: KwOq5wy6vLju5JS) Learn More. You're signed out. So, although it may cause high memory usage Windows 10, it shouldn't be disabled if the computer disk is hard drive disk. However, if the computer disk is SSD, this service should be disabled. Press 'Windows + R' keys, and then type 'services.msc' to open Services window. Scroll down to select Superfetch. Windows 10 offers a number of ways to keep an eye on your system's memory usage. Here's a rundown of the options you'll find on Resource Monitor's Memory tab. In addition to Task Manager, you can also check the memory usage on your Windows 10 computer using another built-in tool of Windows, Resource Monitor. To open the Resource Monitor window, you can type rsmon on the Run dialog box. You can check the memory usage by clicking the Memory tab on the Resource Monitor window. You can see stats of the. Windows 10 and the applications you have installed on it needs a few more RAM memory to operate with registry settings can lead to high RAM usage on Windows 10. This Windows 10 high memory memory usage or high RAM usage issue may cause computer crashing, freezing, and running slower and slower.
Published: October 15, 2020
Download RAMMap(488 KB)
Run now from Sysinternals Live.
Have you ever wondered exactly how Windows is assigning physical memory,how much file data is cached in RAM, or how much RAM is used by thekernel and device drivers? RAMMap makes answering those questions easy.RAMMap is an advanced physical memory usage analysis utility for WindowsVista and higher. It presents usage information in different ways on itsseveral different tabs:
- Use Counts: usage summary by type and paging list
- Processes: process working set sizes
- Priority Summary: prioritized standby list sizes
- Physical Pages: per-page use for all physical memory
- Physical Ranges: physical memory addresses
- File Summary: file data in RAM by file
- File Details: individual physical pages by file
Use RAMMap to gain understanding of the way Windows manages memory, toanalyze application memory usage, or to answer specific questions abouthow RAM is being allocated. RAMMap’s refresh feature enables you toupdate the display and it includes support for saving and loading memorysnapshots.
For definitions of the labels RAMMap uses as well as to learn about thephysical-memory allocation algorithms used by the Windows memorymanager, please see Windows Internals, 5^th^Edition.
Related Links
- Windows Internals Book The official updates and errata page for the definitive book onWindows internals, by Mark Russinovich and David Solomon.
- Windows Sysinternals Administrator's ReferenceTheofficial guide to the Sysinternals utilities by Mark Russinovich andAaron Margosis, including descriptions of all the tools, theirfeatures, how to use them for troubleshooting, and examplereal-world cases of their use.
Download RAMMap(488 KB)
Run now from Sysinternals Live.
Runs on:

- Client: Windows Vista and higher.
- Server: Windows Server 2008 and higher.
Learn More
- Defrag Tools: #6 - RAMMap
In this episode of Defrag Tools, Andrew Richards and Larry Larsencover using RAMMap to see how RAM is being used and tell if therehas been any memory pressure.
The cache memory of RAM is a very small portion of the standard memory of your system, but the cache memory operates at a very high speed, allowing the applications/ programs to utilize its speed to run its users faster. But, sometimes due to memory leak or some bad exe files the amount of free cache memory can decrease, which eventually slows down your computer.
Make your computer automatically clear RAM cache memory-
Follow these easy steps to free cache memory on your system-
1. Download EmptyStandbyList on your computer.
2. Choose a particular place and then click on “Save” to save the application.
Close the browser window.
3. Click on the Search box beside Windows icon and type “Task Scheduler“.
4. Click on “Task Scheduler” from the elevated Search result to open Task Scheduler.
5. In the Task Scheduler window, on the right-hand side, click on “Create Task…“.
6. In Create Task window, name the task “Cache Cleaner“.
7. Now, click on “Create User or Groups…“.
8. Click on “Advanced“.
9. In Select User or Groups window, click on “Find Now“. Cisco anyconnect mobility client mac.
10. In the Search results: scroll down and then select “SYSTEM“.
11. Finally, click on “OK” to save the changes.
12. Now, click on “OK” to save the changes.
13. Coming back to Create Task window, checkthe option “Run with highest privileges“.
Maxon cinema 4d r21. 14. Click on the drop-down beside ‘Configure for:’ and select “Windows 10“.
15. Now, go to the “Triggers” tab.
16. Click on “New…“.
17. In the New Trigger window, under ‘Advanced settings‘ set the ‘Repeat task every:’ to “5 minutes“.

18. And set ‘for a duration of:‘ to “Indefinitely“.
19. In the same window, checkthe option “Enabled“.
20. Click on “OK” to save the trigger settings.
21. Now, go to the “Actions” tab.
22. Then, click on “New…“.
23. In the New Action window, click on “Browse“.
24. Now, navigate to the location where you have downloaded the ‘EmptyStandbyList‘ application.
25. Select the application and then click on “Open“.
26. Now, click on “OK” to save the action.
27. Coming back to the “Create Task” window, click on “OK” to save the task.
28. In the Task Scheduler window, click on “Refresh” to refresh the tasks list.
That’s it! From now on at a regular interval of 5 minutes, this ‘Cache Cleaner‘ task will automatically run on your computer to clean cache memory.
In case if you want to delete this task, follow these simple steps to do so-
1. In the Task Scheduler window, on the left hand, select “Task Scheduler Library“.
2. On the right-hand side of the same window, scroll down to see the task “Cache Cleaner“.
3. Now, right-click on “Cache Cleaner“.
4. Then, click on “Delete” to delete the task from your computer.
5. Click on “Yes” when you will be asked for confirmation.
The ‘Cache Cleaner‘ task will be deleted from your computer.
How To Clear Ram
Sambit is a Mechanical Engineer By qualification who loves to write about Windows 10 and solutions to weirdest possible problems.
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