
Repertoire definition is - a list or supply of dramas, operas, pieces, or parts that a company or person is prepared to perform. How to use repertoire in a sentence. Add This Word History to Your repertoire. Through its deep understanding of cellular immunity, Repertoire is designing a new class of precision immune medicines based on a novel strategy: Decoding with purpose ยป Learning the language of immune codes to detect and isolate relevant T cells based on their reactivity to specific disease-causing antigens. What does repertoire mean? The range or number of skills, aptitudes, or special accomplishments of a particular person or group. Chess opening training and opening repertoire management. Welcome to the Chesstempo opening training tool. The opening trainer allows you create and manage your opening repertoire, and then train against your repertoire using spaced repetition to optimise your learning.

E-Repertoire is a web-based tool that is supported by digital measures and customized to meet AUC needs. It is the faculty's activities database that enables the online process of annual faculty report (AFR) and serves as a historical storage source for faculty activity for personal reporting and tracking purposes. Faculty members add their annual reporting data to E.Repertoire. AFR guidelines document lists the AFR process and the data that should be added. Different AFR phasescan be checked here. For a walk-through for the tool, you can review this useful guide.

Additional information is also provided about how to import list of publications and how to customize your CV.

E-Repertoire Log In


Login Instructions:

1- We recommend using the most recent version of the following browsers: Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft edge.

2- To avoid multiple login requests, make sure to log in to E.repertoire through your computer's default browser.

3- To easily access the embedded links in the report (Word or PDF version): It is advised to keep your account open on your default browser before trying to access any links provided in the downloaded reports on your desktop.

Bmi Repertoire


Bmi Repertoire Search




Submission by the faculty member to the chair or director*February 15
Submission by the chair or director to the dean*March 15
Submission by the dean to the provost*April 15

Repertoire Therapeutics

* If the deadline happens to be a holiday or a weekend, the deadline will shift to the following working day.