Visual Studio Code Micropython

  1. Micro Python Ide
  2. Micropython Vscode Esp32
  3. Visual Studio Code Micro Python Pdf
  4. Vs Code Python Autocomplete Not Working

Download, install, and launch the free Visual Studio Code editor on your computer; Install and activate the LEGO Education EV3 extension; Connect the EV3 Brick to your computer and start to code; You will find a detailed description of the above steps in the EV3 MicroPython documentation PDF (link below). MicroPython is an implementation of the Python programming language that is already popular among Raspberry Pi users. MicroPython is built specifically for microcontrollers like the RP2040 that powers Raspberry Pi Pico. MicroPython offers the same friendly syntax as Python. Today will be a continuation on the ESP32 Micropython installation, here we'll learn how to work in a code editor and upload your code more smoothly.Micropyt.

You can pick up a Raspberry Pi Pico from just $4 / £3.60, or free with the latest edition of HackSpace magazine.


Programs written for other MicroPython-compatible microcontroller boards will work on Raspberry Pi Pico, and vice versa – sometimes needing minor modification for different features between boards – giving Raspberry Pi Pico a healthy library of projects and tutorials beyond those developed by Raspberry Pi itself.

If / when we can get pylance to work with the micropython stubs, this may become simpler as Pylance natively supports multi-root workspaces, meaning that you can open multiple folders in the same Visual Studio Code session and have Pylance functionality in each folder. 7.2 Minification.

Meanwhile, the C/C++ SDK is fine-tuned to RP2040 and has all the headers, libraries, and build systems necessary to write programs in C, C++, or assembly language. Additionally, the C/C++ SDK provides higher-level libraries for dealing with timers, USB, synchronisation, and multicore programming, along with additional high-level functionality built using PIO such as audio.

Beginners looking to get started with the MicroPython port should start with the Raspberry Pi Pico Python SDK documentation and be sure to pick up a copy of Getting Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico.

Visual studio code micro python download

Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico

For more physical computing projects to try on your Raspberry Pi Pico, grab a copy of the new book, Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico. As well as learning how to use Raspberry Pi Pico’s pins as inputs and outputs, you’ll build a simple game, measure temperatures, save and load data to your Pico’s file system, and even make a burglar alarm for your room .

Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico is available now from Raspberry Pi Press.

Makers looking to explore the C/C++ SDK should download the Pico C/C++ SDK documentation.

Raspberry Pi Pico data sheets

Make sure to read, and bookmark, these new Raspberry Pi Pico and 2040 data sheets.

Program Raspberry Pi Pico with MicroPython

Raspberry Pi Pico is set up, by default, for use with the C/C++ Software Development Kit (SDK). The C/C++ SDK is an extremely flexible and powerful way to interact with your Raspberry Pi Pico. However, there’s a more beginner-friendly method: MicroPython, a port of the Python programming language designed specifically for microcontrollers.

In this tutorial we’re going to switch the Pico firmware from C/C++ to MicroPython and create our first program, which flashes the LED on the board.

You'll need

Micro Python Ide

  • Internet connection

Open Raspberry Pi Pico in boot mode

Take your Raspberry Pi Pico and a micro USB to USB-A cable, and connect the small micro USB end of Pico. Hold down the small button on your Raspberry Pi Pico marked ‘BOOTSEL’ and plug the larger USB-A cable end into your computer (we are using a Raspberry Pi). Wait a few seconds, then let go of the BOOTSEL button. You will see your computer mount a removable drive. Click OK in the ‘Removable medium is inserted’ window to open Raspberry Pi Pico’s on-board storage.

Flash the MicroPython firmware

Double-click the INDEX.HTM file displayed in Pico’s mounted storage. Your browser will open and display the ‘Welcome to your Raspberry Pi Pico’ webpage. Choose the ‘Getting started with MicroPython’ tab, and click ‘Download UF2 file’ to download the MicroPython firmware. It’s a small file, so it’ll only take a few seconds.

Open File Manager and locate the micropython-16-DEC-2020.uf2 file in the Downloads folder (the file name may have been updated with a later date). Drag-and-drop the UF2 file to the Raspberry Pi Pico’s removable drive (named ‘RPI-RP2’). After a few seconds, the drive will disappear as the new MicroPython firmware is recognised and installed.


Switching the back end

The best way to program in MicroPython on your Raspberry Pi Pico is with the Thonny Python IDE (integrated development environment). Open the Raspberry Pi menu and choose

Programming > Thonny Python IDE.

Thonny is normally used to write programs that run on the same computer you’re using Thonny on; to switch to writing programs on your Raspberry Pi Pico, you’ll need to choose a new Python interpreter. Look at the bottom-right of the Thonny window for the word ‘Python’ followed by a version number: that’s your current interpreter.

Click ‘Python’ and look through the list that appears for ‘MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico)’ – or, if you’re running an older version of Thonny, ‘MicroPython (generic)’.

Tip! Update Thonny

If you don’t see MicroPython (Raspberry Pi Pico) in the interpreter list, you’ll need to update Thonny. Open a Terminal window and type:

Code Hello World in MicroPython

Writing a program for your Raspberry Pi Pico is a lot like writing a program for your Raspberry Pi. You can type commands in the Shell area at the bottom of the window to have them immediately executed, or you can write a program in the main part of the window to run on-demand.

Visual Studio Code Micropython

Click in the Shell area, next to the >>>> symbols, and type:

When you press ENTER at the end of the line, you’ll see your Raspberry Pi Pico respond. Try typing the same line again, but in the main part of the Thonny window – then click the Run icon. You’ll be asked whether you want to save your program to ‘This computer’ or ‘Raspberry Pi Pico’. Click on ‘Raspberry Pi Pico’, give your program the name, then click OK to save and run your first program.

Micropython Vscode Esp32

Visual Studio Code Micropython

Visual Studio Code Micro Python Pdf

Create a program that blinks Raspberry Pi Pico's LED

While Raspberry Pi Pico can run Python programs like the one above, its true power comes from interfacing with external hardware like buttons and LEDs. You can start programming a physical computing project without any extra hardware, too, thanks to an on-board LED (assigned to the non-broken-out GP25 pin).

Click the New icon and type in the code. Click Run, save the program to your Raspberry Pi Pico, and watch the LED on Raspberry Pi Pico: it will turn on for one second, then off for one second, then repeat.

Vs Code Python Autocomplete Not Working

ESP32 Micropython programming for VSCode.


  • Generate simple project support Micropython platform.
  • Handle project files on ESP32.
  • Support debug terminal (Serial Monitor).



If you do not have it already installed install Python by downloading from the official site. You can use python 2.x but I'm recommend using 3.x will better.


Pip is a installer for python modules that both downloads and installs the modules, if you are not already installed pip, please click here.


Ampy allows you to interact with the file system created on the chip. This module is required for this extension. You can install ampy by pip:


Remote Shell for MicroPython. This module is required for this extension. You can install rshell by pip3:

That all! Just required rshell and Ampy!

Extension Settings

This extension has no settings for this release.You just press ⌘ + ⇧ + P then type prefix ESP32 to see tasks list:

  • ESP32: Create new Project...
  • ESP32: Push
  • ESP32: Push & Debug
  • ESP32: Push whole project
  • ESP32: Format all data
  • ESP32: Serial monitor

Known Issues

This extension has been tested on MacOS. If you have any trouble with your OS. Please contact me soon by open issue or via email address: All requests appropriate!

Release Notes

Users appreciate release notes as you update your extension.


First release